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Stumped on Style? How to determine your home decorating style.

Annie Rail

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

People often find it hard to "find their style" when it comes to interior decorating. While this can seem daunting and necessary at the same time, there are some easy ways to determine your style.

1. Take a style quiz online. An easy and fun way to get started. Here are two different ones that I found to be pretty accurate.

I got Eclectic Chic. I'll take it.

Here I was traditional. Which also fits. Before these quizzes, I described my style as traditionally eclectic. Success!

2. Start a Pinterest Board with your favorite looks! Dream Home or Home Inspiration Boards are an easy way to keep all of the looks that speak to you in one space. After adding multiple pins, you can scroll through your boards and jot down things you see in common. Light, neutral colors? Dark and Bold Colors? Big, comfy, relaxed furniture? Sleek, minimalistic, modern? And everything in between. If you come across a pin that no longer speaks to you, be sure to delete it.

Follow me on Pinterest and follow the board that I use for inspiration for my own home.

3. Go old school and look at magazines. Browse all kinds of magazines and pull out pages that speak to you. They don't have to be home decor magazines either. Fashion and travel ones can be great places to start. Help you get an idea of colors and patterns you may like. Keep a file folder with the images and refer to them when you need a dose or inspiration.

4. Check your favorite blogs and websites often for inspiration. Here are some that I visit on a regular basis. Enjoy!



Lastly, remember that you don't have to pigeon hole yourself into one style type! You can be drawn to pieces from differing styles and a great designer can help you seamlessly integrate those into your home. Contact me if you would like help discovering your personal design style.

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